Blessed Irene (in baptism Aurelia Jacob Mercede) was born on 22nd August 1891 at Anfo, Brescia-Italy. Being brought up by Christian family this made her grow strong in faith. At a young age she had a compassion towards the poor. She met the Consolata Missionary Fathers of Diocese of Brescia and felt called to be a Missionary, where she joined Consolata Missionary, a congregation founded by Father Joseph Allamano. She assumed the name Sr.Irene when entering the order. On January 1914 she consecrated her life to God, by taking her vows and on December she left for Kenya. She began her missionary life in Nyeri. In 1916, during world war, Sr Irene was appointed as a red cross nurse in military hospitals and other places, where she humbly served and treated their bodies and through baptism nourishing their hearts. She went
Adams Olwenya
Dominic Gichuhi
Vice Moderator
Beatrice Wanjiku
Elizabeth Wangeci
Vice Secretary
John Mukunga
About the Jumuiya
The jumuiya came into existence after two young Christians felt that they needed church assistance and services in the area the church they attended was located. Considering that they had moved to the area by virtue of them being students pursuing higher education in Nairobi, they lacked the requirements that would necessitate the church to avail to them assistance and services they were in need of. This meant that they could only travel back to their village to receive the services through their parents under whom they were registered. The two young Christians would share their idea for creation of a jumuiya with another friend and the three paid a visit in August 2016 to the then parish priest, Fr. Nelson Ojijo, to seek permission and guidance on creation of a new Jumuiya. The priest advised them to first get enough quorum in order to be officially registered. The jumuiya was first announced during the then Kikuyu Mass service which used to be the third one. A few Christians who did not have a jumuiya got interested and held a small meeting after the Mass was over. The deliberated on the name of the jumuiya and they all unanimously agreed to adopt the name Bl Irene Stefani Jumuiya. Elections for officials were held immediately and the winners were Dominic Gichuhi, Muthoni Kanyoi and Beatrice Wanjiku as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Kanyoi was replaced by Wanjiku and John Mukunga became the new Treasurer. The jumuiya celebrated first feast day of its Matron saint on 31st October 2017. After the Mass, many members testified to having received the blessings of a new job, passing exams and graduating, promotions and even acquirement of visa to travel and work overseas. The second feast day celebration was held on August 2018 and it was during this celebration the members dedicated the pilgrimage they were to undertake to Gikondi where the relics of the Jumuiya matron saint have been preserved. So far the jumuiya has grown in leaps and bounds. More members continue to join, current members received first Holy Communion, children received sacrament of Holy Baptism and confirmation and the jumuiya has largely been successful in the activities of the church. The major setback suffered by the Jumuiya was a loss to death of our dedicated member The Late Esther Akoth (May her soul rest in eternal peace). The jumuiya celebrated its third feast day on 31st October 2019 at Ruaka Catholic church.